150 Hour India Ayurveda Immersion

Shiva Nataraj Shiva meditating and Babji painting

Join us January 16th- 29th, 2023

This 15-day intensive takes place at our affiliate Institute in Pune, India. For decades the Dancing Shiva School has established a close working relationship and affiliation with the International Academy of Ayurveda (IAA) and we also share a close affiliate relationship with D.Y. Patil University's School of Ayurveda (DPU). D.Y. Patil University's School of Ayurveda (DPU).

Our program students will experience the unique opportunity of participating in specialized classes provided by the IAA and DPU faculty and Mas Vidal. The material covered in the program classes includes expansive (more advanced & in-depth) coverage of the material listed in the main curriculum (available upon request for registered students). The experience and knowledge gained from participating in Motherland studies cannot be replicated anywhere else. Firstly, to study at a premier Indian Ayurvedic University and at the TanMan Research Centre is unique to our affiliation as this is not commonly permitted at Indian institutes.

As international students, you receive the direct cultural experience, classes given by an Indian faculty, the experience of observing actual patient cases (encounters) in an ayurvedic clinic and hospital and access to an extensive library and dedicated departments for each main topic of Ayurvedic education.

Those interested in attending this program who have not completed our course are also welcome to join us.



Curriculum topics include:

  • Kaya Chikitsa (Internal Ayurvedic Medicine)
  • Pancha Karma (Clinical Ayurvedic Treatments) 
  • Womens Ayurveda-Gynecology or Pre-Post Pregnancy (Garbha Samskar)
  • Herbology (Dravyaguna)
  • Ayurvedic Cooking & Nutrition
  • Yoga Asana & Pranayama Therapy according to Ayurvedic Principles.

Overview of what is included in the Ayurveda Program:

  • Education provided by International Academy of Ayurveda (IAA) and Mas Vidal (Director of Dancing Shiva)
  • Accommodations: For the majority of the program (10-Days) the program group will be staying at a residential Eco-Village healing center just outside the city of Pune.
  • For the remaining 5-days the group will shift directly to the DPU campus for studies at the university, hospital and special classes at in various departments.
  • Three succulent vegetarian meals per day at the Eco Village's own Ayurvedic Restaurant. All veggie meals are also prepared for our group at the DPU's Canteen.

  • 150 Hour of Certification (once the student has completed the requirements, testing, reading assignments, etc..)

Accommodation Options Include:

  • $3,100 for dormitory (4-7 person in large dormitory-style, shared bath)
  • $3,350 for shared accommodation (two-per room, private bath)
  • $3,750 for private (single person-per private cottage, private bath)
    *Airfare & ground transportation is a separate cost.

*Flights should arrive at Mumbai International Shivaji Airport or Pune Airport is 2-3 days prior to classes. Your return flight can depart on the night of the last day, in many instances depending on the airline flights most likely will depart the early morning of the following day (usually between 12 midnight and 4 am if you are flying back to the USA).

Note: Its good to arrive a few days earlier to adapt to the time change. The cost for early arrival is NOT included, however, students can arrive at the Eco-Village early and enjoy some ayurvedic treatments and have time to settle in. Alternatively, sometimes people prefer to spend a few days in Mumbai in a hotel site seeing before the program begins. All early arrival payments are made directly to the Eco-Village. Program classes officially begin on Monday morning.



Accommodation Details

  • All options include lodging, meals, and course work in India.
  • Airfare and ground transportation are separate.
  • $750 Holds your spot!

Program students with Ayurvedic doctors observing a patient in the hospital prior to treatment for back pain and spinal issues.
Dr. Subhash Ranade
Dr. Subhash Ranade and his wife Sunanda are the founders of theInternational Academy of Ayurveda (IAA), he is one of the leading pioneers of Ayurveda globally. He has been on the faculty of the Dancing Shiva programs for almost 20 years and both DS and IAA have shared a strong affiliate relationship for many years.

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